Trailer | Girls on Graff

Girl Power is a documentary that presents female graffiti writers from fifteen cities – from Prague to Moscow, Cape Town, Sydney, Biel, Madrid, Berlin, Toulouse, Barcelona and all the way to New York. The graffiti community is predominantly a man’s world, and men often share the view that graffiti – namely the illegal kind – is not for girls. And yet women have become increasingly more emancipated in recent years; there are female graffiti shows, magazines and websites. Girl Power captures the stories of ladies who have succeeded in the male graffiti world.

Eine Antwort

  1. Anonym sagt:

    Ich wusste das Weibliche writer anders behandelt werden als männliche, so von wegen "hey du bist ein mädchen und malst? -lass uns was machen, du bist so cool" etc. Aber dass es tatsächlich auch so viele hater und crossing gibt hätte ich nicht erwartet.

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